Excel is an application used by 100% of SMEs.
Excel has extraordinary capabilities that are rarely used.
Excel allows you to make much better use of the data you have in your ERP.
At Eye Of Whale, we are experts in Excel, in building custom applications, in record time, applications that are easy to use, and which are key to our client's ability to take control of their business.
We develop Excel applications in record time, with the mindset of a computer programmer, business consultant and process engineer.
The application is at the service of the objective we are looking for, and not the other way around: we build the tool from the white page to define exactly what we are looking for:
we define the company's needs in great depth, in great detail, hand in hand with the entrepreneur and his team.
we define the data model, the sources, we visualise the updating process, we consider the different alternatives.
we develop the tool.
in a few days, the tool is implemented.
within a week, the client benefits from its Excel application.
Our clients are delighted with what we create for them: we make them take control of their company as they have never had before, with applications that free their employees from generating many files that they used to do manually, with rigour, automation, speed, and the knowledge that they are now working to improve the business, and not spending their time moving data in Excel.
We develop:
Data capture Applications to get key data that does not exist today for the company:
Time Recording Application
Purchasing Register Application, ...
Applications that take advantage of data:
Dashboard Application
Production Control Application
Construction Control Application
Loan Control Application, ...

As example, we have developped THE TIME TRACKING APPLICATION.
🕑Taking control of time is a fundamental necessity for a consultancy. 🕑 🐳
We have created "THE TIME TRACKING APPLICATION" for each employee.